Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Art Tattoo Celtic Designs

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Art Tattoo Celtic Designs are an incredibly popular choice today for those looking to get tattooed. A general rule of thumb is: the shape of the design often determines the "meaning" of a knotwork design. Circles represent unity or eternity, spirals reincarnation or cycles of life and rebirth, triangles and trefoils the threefold dominion of earth, sea, and sky. Squares or four-fold shapes are shield knots, symbols of protection from spirits or evil influences. Interlaced animals and men usually represent relationships, or emphasize the interdependence of mankind and nature. There are actually very few records of the Celts themselves, and most symbols are interpreted by archaeologists and other scholars who have studied the symbols in context. Some ancient Celtic symbols have changed in meaning over time, having been influenced by the introduction of the Church and the influence of other cultures. Be sure to seek advice from the tattoo artist when deciding on which design would best suit your personality.

Butterfly Tattoos Design

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Butterfly Tattoos Design are still an incredibly popular choice for those looking to get tattooed. They can be done in many ways. They can be done in a big way, with bold colors and details, or they can be done with a more subtle approach. They can be done to match the actual realistic look of a butterfly, or you can be very creative with your rendition. You can also combine them with other designs and themes. Before you have a huge butterfly tattooed on your body, please consider the following. The basic symbolism of the butterfly involves grace, beauty, spirituality, transition, so be sure to have your tattoo made delicately and carefully.

Angel Tattoos Design

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Angel Tattoos Design - Angel tattoos are another type of tattoo with multiple types and meanings. Generally, when women get an angel tattoo, this symbolizes calmness and serenity. When men get them, it usually symbolizes more of a connection to their spirituality and inner self. Some angel designs are designed to make the wearer safe and protected. Of course, there are some darker designs that can also represent a person's darker side. There are Cherub designs, which symbolize hope and optimism, relating to love. Generally speaking, the symbol of an angel represents a representative from God, and the spiritual and emotional support he gives us.

Skull Tattoos

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Skull Tattoos - Skull tats have been a huge choice for many decades, and are still extremely popular. From fun and jovial, to scary and creepy, this tattoo can be expressed in hundreds or ways. The symbol of the skull is known all over the world as a sign of death. People generally assume that the Skull Tat is a representation of death or other negative images. It also symbolizes power, strength, and the ability to overcome a difficult time in life, and the ability to avoid death. Historically, the skull has also been seen as a triumph over an enemy. You can see many different styles of skulls based on the creative imagination of the person creating them. They can be seen in many places, video games, comic strips, books, and of course tattoos.

Choosing a tattoo Designs for the First Time

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Choosing a tattoo Designs for the First Time can be a hard thing to do, especially when the tattoo is going to be permanent on your body for the rest of your life. Now which tattoo designs should you choose? First thing you need to consider is WHY you are getting the tattoo, what is your motive behind the tattoo? What do you want to express through the tattoo? This will surely help you cut down your search options so that you can choose the perfect tattoo design that you want.

I have a few in my mind that I don't mind sharing, so here they are:

- If you enjoy outside stuff such as trees, nature in general, animals, and other things, you can use this as a motivation to get the tattoo in this category.

- Another thing you can think about is if you love art. What kind of artist comes to your mind, what kind of art design comes to your mind and stuff along those areas.

- There are a lot of people out there that use famous people such as poets, music artists and what not.

- These days, I myself have seen many people use Graffiti type of tattoo's on their body all the time.

- Many people these days are also looking at Tribal or Celtic types of tattoo's to show off on their body.

- Some of the other tattoo designs include cultural tattoos, historical tattoos, etc.

- You know what would be a good idea, getting Abstract Tattoo's on your body. I have seen people use this type as well.

- A unique way to express is writing quotes in different languages on your body as well.

- Maybe you can try tattoo mixing? Perhaps mix several different tattoos into some type of tattoo?

You know what would make you really stand out is if you created your OWN type of tattoo. Sure, you can go to a Tattoo parlor and get a random tattoo through a design book, but does it really make sense to be unoriginal? Would you not like to be creative and want to stand out from the crowd? You can create your own types of tattoo(s) if you want. Let me share a few ideas with you just to give you a head start.

- Neck to Leg, Full out Fire Dragon on back or front of body

- Crying baby from your neck to your legs on your back or front

These are just a few ideas that you may consider. In all my years of tattoo designing and studying, I have never seen those kinds of tattoos done to anyone before, so this may be a good chance for you to snag a pretty good design or designs.

Now you maybe thinking, why create my own tattoos when I can just get a already created one? As I've said above, it's better to be unique than to carry an overused tattoo. You can add your OWN personal touch to your tattoo. Add as much detail you want to your tattoo, as much as you want. Just remember than the bigger in details your tattoo is, the more expensive your tattoo may get, depending on which tattoo parlor you go to, just keep that in mind.

There is one type of tattoo that interests me the most out of everything and that is Full Sleeve Tattoo Designs. What is it you may ask? Full sleeve tattoo design is the popularity tattoo designs that not are only carried by a regular person, but famous people such as celebrities, soccer players, football players, basketball players and other sports people carry, as well as many other types of famous people.

One of the main reasons as to why people really do this type of tattooing is because they want to unravel a story that they are trying to give off. For example, I have seen a famous soccer player that carries a full arm tattoo and his tattoo signifies what he loves, which is soccer and the love for his country. People in this type of tattooing always express personal touches and personal expressions.

There is one thing that I would like to warn you about and what to do about it. You are going to be stuck with a tattoo for a LONG, LONG time, so you might as well choose a tattoo worth your while. So you should do what some famous people have done. Start your tattoo design off small, meaning start your tattoo design small and then work your way up from there. The beauty of having new technology is that you can see how a tattoo will look on you before you wear it, so be sure to look on the computer to see if the tattoo is right for you or not. Start off with a small tattoo and then work your way from there. Carefully choose every portion of your tattoo remembering that you WILL be stuck with this tattoo for a very long time. You may want to put several small tattoos together to make a larger tattoo or you could put a few large tattoos together to make a rather large, but unique tattoo to show off.

So basically, after all of the information I have shared with you in this article, I just want to sum it all up by giving you a short summary. What I have talked to you above in this article can be summarized like this:

1. Gather up a design idea for your tattoo (either from a design book or your own design)

2. Finalize on a design that will perfectly suit you and the type of person you are.

3. Find a tattoo artist

a. This shouldn't be much of a hard task at all. Every city has tattoo designs, just look on the Internet if you have trouble.

4. Test your tattoo design

5. Have your tattoo design done on your body.